Bloom’s Classification and Psychometric Analysis of MCQs


Original Article

Bloom’s Classification and Psychometric Analysis of Multiple-Choice Questions as Quality Indicators for Medicine Clerkship Examinations

Albara A. Ahmed1, Mohammed A. Elameen2

Sahar E. G. Osman3



Background: Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs) are commonly used tools familiar to students. They have high covering content, higher reliability, and higher discriminating ability than other assessment tools. They offer reliable data about learner knowledge and skills. This study aimed to classify multiple-choice question items according to Bloom's classification and analyze difficulty and discrimination indices for clerkship examinations among first and second batches at Alfajr College for Science and Technology.

Methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at the Medicine program, Alfajr College for Science and Technology, between March 2021 and January 2023. All multiple-choice questions included were 617 items for the first and second batches. The MCQ items were classified according to Bloom's classification through a checklist. Difficulty and discrimination indices were assessed for the items among both groups using the optical mark recognition program.

Results: From the total of 617 items there were 278 and 339 items for the first and second batches respectively. According to simplified Bloom’s taxonomy, there were 164 (49.5%) versus 167 (60%) Recall items, 39 (14%) versus 74 (21.8%) for Understand items, 72 (26%), versus 101 (29.8%) Apply items for the second compared to first batches respectively. Overall easy items were 240 (38.9%), acceptable items 216 (35%), ideal items 82 (13.3%), and difficult items 73 (11.8%). Excellent discriminating items were; 96 (15.6%), good items 107 (17.3%), acceptable items 131 (21.2%), and poor items 277 (44.9%). From a total of 617 items, (10.8%) were negative discriminator items.

Conclusion: The study demonstrated overall progression in MCQ items quality, as such improvement in (decrease recall items, increase understand and application items, decrease easy items, increase ideal and acceptable difficulty items). Other aspects still need further improvement to ensure reliable and valid assessment among clerkship examinations.

Keywords: Bloom's taxonomy, Difficulty, Discrimination Index, MCQs.




1 Department of Haematology, Medical Laboratory Science program, Alfajr College for Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.

2 Department of Internal Medicine, Medicine program, Alfajr College for Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.

3 Department of Histopathology and Cytology, Medical Laboratory Science program, Alfajr College for Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan.

*Corresponding Author: Sahar Elderdiri Gafar Osman, Department of Histopathology and Cytology, Medical Laboratory Science program. Alfajr College for Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan. Email:

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