Author's guide

Rules and conditions for publication in the Journal (guidelines for authors)

Publication steps

        The Sudan Journal of Health Sciences (SJHS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal. The journal operates under ISSN 2948-3026 and aims to on advancing health sciences by disseminating high-quality research articlesSJHS accepts all types of manuscripts, including original articles, case reports, review articles, meta-analyses, and others. Authors must follow specific guidelines to ensure the quality and consistency of submissions. Here are the author's guidelines:

  • The author has to submit an electronic copy (Microsoft Word) of the manuscript to the academic secretary of the Journal or via the official email address or
  • The manuscript will be evaluated, and the author will be informed of the results of the initial evaluation within a week of working days.
  • In the event that the manuscript is initially accepted, the author will be informed and the manuscript will be sent to the assigned arbitration committee to provide amendments and notes on the manuscript (the arbitration period takes from one to three weeks at a maximum).
  • The comments and observations of the arbitration committee will be sent to the author to make the amendments, and then the author re-sends the modified version.
  • The modified version is presented again to the arbitration committee, and if that the manuscript is finally accepted for publication, it will be sent to the author for approval for publication in an official, signed and stamped form.
  • The author will be provided an electronic copy of the issue containing his paper when the issue is published.
  • In the event that the author desires to obtain printed copies, he must contact the academic secretary of the Journal.


Publication terms

    The manuscript must not have been previously published or under a process of publication.

    The author should organize the manuscript according to the following publishing conditions:

1.      The manuscript must be written in a sound language, taking care of the specifics of the drawing and figures attached to it.

2.      The author should follow the following steps in preparing his manuscript:



a- The layout:

On the first page, the author writes the following:

o   Manuscript Title: Size 16, and the title must be accurate and expressive of the content of the manuscript

o   The name of the author (authors) should be in full for the first and last names, and it is possible to abbreviate what is between them. For example: Mohamed Elnour Ali Elamin writes Mohamed E. A. Elamin

o   The author's affiliation (example: Alfajr College for Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan)

On the second page, the author writes the following:

o   The abstract in the language in which the manuscript was written (Arabic and English languages are accepted for publication in the Journal)

o   An Abstract in the second language

o   The number of words of the Abstract should not exceed 250 words.

o   The abstract must contain a subheadings of background, methods, results, and conclusion.

o   Keywords: The Abstract should be accompanied by no more than six keywords (function) of its own, and they shall be in both Arabic and English, organized by importance.


The remaining part of the manuscript content should include the following sections:

o   Introduction: Provides background information. For example, suppose you’re writing about a specific public health problem, in that case, the introduction might cover its definition, magnitude of the problem globally and in the study area, what has been explored and what the gap is, and end the introduction with the aim of the study.


o    Materials and Methods: Describes how the study was conducted in terms of the study design and population, data collection, including, if any, the procedures followed and the statistical methods used for the analysis. Ethical consideration should be explained in any article.

o   Results: Presents the research findings, often using tables, figures, and graphs.





o   Discussion: Interprets the results, discusses implications, and compares findings to existing research.

o   Conclusion: Summarizes the study’s main points and suggests future directions.

o   Limitations: if any, should be stated

o   Conflict of interests: if any, should be stated

o   Acknowledgement: if any, for those who have contributed or assisted in the study process including those who have facilitated by providing funds or other resources.

o   The References: The Journal adopted the Vancouver guidelines in writing the references.


       b-The size:

The number of manuscript pages (in case of original research) should not exceed (10) pages or (6000) words, and not less than 3000 words.


c- The Font Size and Style

The acceptable font size is 12 unless specified, and the acceptable font is Times New Roman.


d- The Figures and Tables:

Figures and tables are numbered respectively according to their appearance in the manuscript, font size 10, and the titles font size 12, and each of them is referred to in the body of the manuscript by its numbers.


For more information, kindly visit the SJHS official website at:
